How to make black coffee

Do you ever find your morning jolt a bit flat?

Black coffee is the foundation of all beverages from a flat white to an iced mocha; made of ground coffee and water. It may seem like a simple drink to make so it is easy to assume that taking a barista course is an unnecessary use of time and money. The knowledge and skill set that comes with doing a barista course could be what stands between you and the full-bodied, invigorating black coffee that inspires all early morning tasks.

There are a few versions of black coffee, each originating from different cultures such as Turkish coffee, Vietnamese coffee, etc. These are forms of black coffee that you won’t encounter every day. A barista course focuses on four basic black coffees that are popular among most cafes and similar establishments:

  • Espresso  – or a ‘short black’ is served as a 30ml ‘shot’ and is commonly the base for all coffee beverages.
  • Doppio – named as it is a double ‘shot’ of Espresso, which is a 60ml serving.
  • Ristretto – made in a similar manner to an Espresso. The difference in preparation is the halved extraction time and lower serving yield of 15-25ml.
  • Americano – or a ‘long black’ is espresso shots with added hot water. This makes the drink ‘longer’ and less intense as the water dilutes the strength of the espresso.
How to make black coffee

Tip: If your machine doesn’t have a connected water source, fill the tank with water. Get your machine ready, by turning it on 20 minutes before and pulling a blank shot to heat it up.

1)Remove the portafilter from the machine, and use a cloth to dry the inside. Place it on a scale and adjust the scale to zero out the weight.

2)  Add 7 grams of coffee to make a single shot or add 14 grams to make a double shot. Move the portafilter to tamp the coffee with even pressure.

3) Flush the brew head for a few seconds then insert the portafilter. Place cup to catch the coffee, turn on the machine and pull the shot; 25-30 seconds for a single shot and 45 seconds for a double shot.

4)  When you finish pulling the shot turn off the machine. Set your coffee aside for yourself or serve it, then clean down the machine. You now have an Espresso or Doppio.

To make a Ristretto:

Follow Step 1 and 2. When you get to Step 3 adjust your pulling time to 15 seconds.

To make an Americano:

Fill a mug ¾ full of boiled water. Follow Step 1, 2 and 3, and pour the espresso shot(s) on top.

Are you feeling coffee crazy? Join the addicted masses and enrol in our barista course today!