What is Fresh Coffee?
You’ve seen the A-frames, you’ve been lured by the petrol station claim “Freshly Ground Coffee”. What is fresh coffee and why does it matter?
The Basic Coffee Process
Let’s first start with how coffee gets to us…
- Coffee is grown on a tree
- It is picked, dried and sent often across the world [Green bean form]
- We then roast the coffee in a fancy BBQ
- A barista then grinds the coffee
- A barista then extracts the coffee liquid
- Your flat white is served
The Potential Death of Coffee Flavour!
Freshness is key. If we wait too long at any of the above steps, the coffee will change dramatically.
For example, after coffee is roasted (from green bean to brown form) over the course of the next few weeks it will undergo a drastic change. After a couple of days, that brown coffee bean will have maximum acidity and a rich sweetness. After a few weeks, the coffee oxidises and the acid will leave the coffee while the sweetness starts to trail off.
After a month, most of that vibrancy that specialty coffee shops are obsessed with has left the bean and you move into the realm of dead coffee. This is the majority of coffee on the market today.
Fresh coffee is coffee that was roasted no more than a few weeks ago and ground fresh to each coffee’s order
At Black Market Roasters, fresh coffee is just the starting point. At every stage of the coffee process, there are finer things that can be done to ensure you are getting the most delicious cup of coffee possible. As barista course operators in Sydney as well as wholesale coffee suppliers, we aim to source, roast and extract the best, most exotic coffee in the world.
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