I’m excited for spring. I just peeked over my computer and saw my olive tree (growing at a 45 degree angle, play acting like it’s being blasted by a southerly, but it just wants attention and I won’t indulge it) and I’m sure this is year that I’ll harvest its abundant olives, marinate them for months using a traditional recipe from nonna (after acquiring a nonna), and from this labour of love, arms browned, cheeks rosy, fingernails grubby from a season of honest work, I expect to produce almost a full jar of salty briney spheroids. This is what I’m excited for. 

You can get excited about this too, or the following. 


We were talking about olives, so we will eat about olives. And one of my favourite ways to eat olives is in olive and rosemary bread. Dip it in some olive oil, dip it in some dukkah.


And one of my favourite ways to drink olives is in a dirty martini. That is entirely untrue, I don’t think I’ve ever had one. But I’m going to! Using my bespoke artisan olive brine! But until that is ready I’ll make do with a classic dry martini.


Love Stories by Trent Dalton. So I’ve only started reading this myself. I’m only 8 pages in, not including the forward, and I adore it. My friend is at least 126 pages in and still adores it so I’m confident in this recommendation. It’s not fluff, it’s a bit gritty, it gets right into your cockles, down to the right ventricular.


Daniel Boyd: Treasure Island

Daniel Boyd is an artist who likes coffee. I know the first part because he’s got an exhibition happening at the Art Gallery NSW and the second part because he was a regular at a specialty coffee shop I used to work at. I’m glad I wasn’t aware of the first part when I world there cos I get star struck easily and it would have been embarrassing.

While you’re there, check out the gallery’s film club. Screenings are free which we’re all about.