Reflecting on the Challenges of Latte Art

Do you remember when you poured your first fire breathing dragon flying over the oriental mountains under a starry sky from nothing but the most perfectly textured milk? Yeah me neither. But I do remember as a young Padawan barista the slow arduous journey of latte art. It’s a long way from dumping that frothy cloud into the cup to victory – the silky smooth, glossy rosetta.

If you’re at the beginning, the road seems steep and hostile. But we’re here to encourage you, keep going! Remember your training, go back to your notes, and keep practicing. Every cup is another step closer. It really does take time to unlock the mysteries of milk. But soldier on young jedi! Satisfaction is within reach.

If you’re well on your way, your milk is shiny and viscous, and you’ve caught glimpses of, nay, dominated the love heart – well done you! But soon you will know the feeling of joy-stration. The pure joy of pouring your first, second, fourteenth rosetta, then… the blob. Blob after blob as your joy and reason for being gets sucked down the drainpipe of frustration. We’ve been there. We understand but can also attest – it’s gets better! Your latte art is going through its toddler phase, throwing a tantrum and demanding attention. Stand strong! It will return to you, strong and ready to be let loose on the world.

If you’ve already conquered this quest, you’ve mastered the heart and rosetta, can bust out a seven layered tulip on demand – well done you! The apprentice has become the master, time to hang up the jug. Psych! Never! It’s time to unleash the beauty of your craft on your friends, family and customers. As they shower you with accolades and throw sugar sachets at your feet, try to stay humble, and remember your roots, but be proud of your achievement, and go forth with all the confidence your status yields – a Latte Artist.

For details about our Latte Art Courses check out Black Market Training

These guys totally killing it!  Latte Art at Saigon Coffee Roasters, filmed by us last year when travel was something you did on the norm 😉